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Useful Stuff

Everybody learns differently so you can find books and videos for each of the strategies described on this website. There are also links to other experts we think you might want to follow.

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We have uploaded videos for each of the strategies we've idientified as having a true edge to help you learn and apply them consistently

You can find books covering all of the strategies that we like. There are also helpful articles to aid your trading journey.

These are actors in the trading space that we believe are genuine and provide actionable information

Why are you giving this stuff away for free?

The majority of information on this website is free because it's already in the public domain - you just didn't know how to search for it! We've done the hard part for you by sifting through all the nonsense to bring you the best strategies to use. It's easy to find IF you know what to search for. So why charge when it cost us nothing to get the information you need. But coding indicators takes time and effort and unless we can find a great free indicator, we program one from scratch to help you apply the strategies consistently. For those we charge a modest fee and that helps to keep the lights on and keep doing what we love to do. Thank you.

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